We are so excited to send you the 2025 WVNG Kids Kamp/Camp Conley applications! Our 2025 program theme from NGB this year is “National Guard Kids: Your Adventure Starts Here!” and let me say this camp is most certainly an adventure! The schedule looks amazing, and we have so much fun packed into it including camp traditions such as firing ranges, EST, static displays, high line, fishing, swimming, rappel tower, drill & ceremony, and camp dance! We have some amazing end-of-camp plans underway, but it will be hard to top the carnival last year. We are surely going to try our best! Don’t miss out, register today.
As a recap:
• Dates: 22-27 June 2025
• Location: Camp Dawson, Kingwood WV
• For who: Military dependents ages 9-14, TagAlongs ages 5-8
• Cost:
o Campers, ages 9-14: $100 if registered between now and 1 April. Late registration goes from 2 April to 15 May and will be $125.00
o TagALongs, ages 5-8: $75.00 if registered between now and 1 April. Late registration goes from 2 April to 15 May and will be $100.00
o Youth Volunteers, ages 16-17: $50.00, registration deadline, 15 May.
o Adult Volunteers, ages 18 $ up: $50.00, due to background checks, registration deadline, 1 May.