More than 30 soldiers from four countries joined together for a Unit Public Affairs Representative training course on Dec. 23, 2024, at Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo. The UPAR training was instructed and organized by the West Virginia Army National Guard’s 153rd Public Affairs Detachment, the current Public Affairs Detachment supporting Kosovo Force Regional Command East, or KFOR RC-E.
NATO has been leading this peace-support operation in Kosovo since June 1999 in support of wider international efforts to build peace and stability in the area. KFOR RC-E is commanded by the Oregon Army National Guard’s 41st Infantry Brigade Combat Team and is comprised of more than 1,300 soldiers from the U.S. and multiple Allied and partner nations.
UPARs are non-Public Affairs soldiers that have an interest in photography and journalism and have volunteered to help tell the story of their unit while deployed to Kosovo.
“UPAR’s are instrumental to the overall success of the public affairs mission and, quite frankly, to the success of all Kosovo Force,” said Sgt. Cheryl Madolev, 153rd PAD. “The amount of folks that volunteered today to show up and become UPAR certified is a testament to the important of public affairs to our KFOR soldiers and leaders.”
The 32 soldiers were representatives not only of their units that they are deployed with, but also of their nations. In attendance at the training and certification were soldiers from the United States, Germany, Latvia and Turkey.
“I loved getting to share the classroom with our multinational partners and hear their perspectives,” said 2nd Lt. Diane Erickson, 41st IBCT. “I had a great time at the UPAR training because I got to learn about public affairs and photography from subject matter experts who are passionate about their work.”
In order to successfully complete the UPAR course and become certified, the soldiers had to complete three blocks of instruction: basic photography, basic social media and caption writing, as well as a culminating practical exercise.
“Overall this was a great introduction to the world of U.S. Army Public Affairs and I recommend it to any soldier who is even a little curious about the work,” said Erickson. “You will get to discover a new side of the Army that isn’t frequently talked about or explored in our regular trainings.”
The instructors and students alike are excited to see the UPARs put their new skills to the test and increase the amount of storytelling and strategic communications that can now happen as a result of the training.
“It was great to be able to play a role in instructing the soldiers on what it takes to be a UPAR,” said Madolev. “I’m looking forward to seeing them utilize their training and helping tell the story of KFOR.”