2nd Lt. Amond Bailey may have been born in D.C. and started his career in the Army Reserves, but he has found a home in the hills as part of the West Virginia Army National Guard.
"The best day of my life was experiencing West Virginia for the first time, in 2016," said Bailey, a 17A cyber operations officer. "The 'Huntington Hospitality' was unlike anything I’d experienced being from Washington, D.C., and while I still love home, I have a profound love for West Virginia and that memory of arriving to West Virginia."
Bailey enrolled in Marshall University's ROTC as a Computer and Information Security undergrad. He always wanted to serve as a cyber officer in the Reserves but fell in love with West Virginia.
“I wanted to stay after commissioning, so when I heard there was a WVARNG cyber unit with an open slot for a lieutenant, I jumped for it,” Bailey said.
He serves as part of the Defensive Cyber Operations Element (DCO-E) while pursuing a M.S. in cybersecurity at Marshall. Between studies, Bailey also pursues another passion - bettering the welfare of Soldiers and families.
Bailey is third-generation military and attributes his passion to his grandfather, Norman Bailey. His mother, Chandra Bailey, and Aunt Sherry Bailey also served in the Army. The family-oriented culture and focus among Guard Soldiers and the WVNG community is the element Bailey likes best.
“My favorite memory in the WVNG is of JFHQ’s 2023 Holiday Dinner for Soldiers and their Families,” Bailey said. “It was heartwarming to see the extensive efforts and planning that JFHQ put towards the appreciation of its (members)."
Bailey, 27, has a long career and many goals to look forward to. He’s dedicated to serving and protecting against cyber threats through both his military and civilian careers.
To any others considering joining the WVNG, he would strongly encourage them to research the benefits and supports available to them through their service, as it will help them to not only care for themselves but others in their ranks and families as well.
“And prepare to gain a new family during your time in the WVNG, as the camaraderie is hard to match elsewhere,” Bailey said.