This week's West Virginia National Guard's Soldier Spotlight highlights SFC Christopher N. Loy.
SFC Loy, 32 and a native of Paden City, West Virginia, is a 12N / Senior Instructor/ Course Manager currently assigned to the Regional Training Institute at Camp Dawson, Kingwood.
A construction worker by professional trade, Chris brings his civilian skills and experience to bear as he helps to build, shape, and instruct other Soldiers in heavy equipment operation and maintenance operations. In his 14 years of service, he has served as Heavy Equipment Operator, Squad Leader, Battalion S-3 12N Liaison, 12N1O Instructor, BLC Instructor, Fuel Handler, 12N30 Instructor, Construction Equipment Repairer, 12N1O Course Manager, and 12N4O Instructor.
During his tenure, he has had the opportunity to travel the world to complete missions.
“Some of the best experiences of my career come from my trip to Guatemala, my 2017 Mobilization as a BLC Instructor, and my 2019 Mobilization as a Platoon Sergeant,” he stated. “All of those exposed me to differences in culture, areas of the world, and experiences in the military.”
When asked if he would recommend National Guard service to others, Loy was enthusiastic.
“If it is something that you are contemplating, give it a try. It may not be for everyone, but good or bad you will bring some sort of experience from it. There are vast opportunities available to Guardsmen, and the people of West Virginia are well represented by the members of the WVNG.”
While not in uniform or working his civilian career, you can find Christopher fishing, playing sports, doing research on for his job, and working with technology. He is also scheduled to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in August, with future plans to pursue a master’s degree.